Advent 2016
Many moons ago, the Pope of Pope & Lawn used to create a much loved music photography calendar over at … it was only a matter of time therefore before we decided to develop a wonderful advent calendar specifically to showcase some our art and more importantly, to give our visitors a chance to bag some great bargains in the process.
So, behind each number etched on our icy windscreen is a a unique offer, some of which are time limited, and all of which are unrepeatable.
But there’s more, there’s also a different letter to collect each day. By the time the windscreen is cleared of ice, not only will you be able to see the amazing prize we’re giving away, you’ll also have all the letters which provide you with a mystery message in the form of an anagram. The first email containing the correctly solved anagram to arrive in the inbox of will win this one-off prize.
Got all that? Good, then head HERE for the Pope & Lawn Papercut Advent Calendar 2016 🙂